Laravel vs. Node JS: A Featured Base Comparison
As the scale of technological problems changes, the underlying frameworks, and languages to solve them also change. PHP and JavaScript have been the leaders in web development. Since the introduction of these languages, web development has changed entirely and progressed. Brendan Eich introduces Javascript in 1995. While Brendan Eich worked under Netscape, he created this […]
How Speed Affects Your Website – 20+ Website Speed Statistics
If you are the owner of a struggling website, you may have inspected all possible corners to see why you aren’t getting the views you want. One factor that most website owners tend to overlook is their website’s speed. That’s understandable, as speed is not something you can see immediately. But it has quite a […]
How N50,000 saved my business… A life changing story by Rukayat
Believe it or not, N50,000 saved my business. Read my story. “You’re so good at this! You should make a business out of it!” This was the statement that converted me from a bubbly university third-year student with boyfriend troubles into a stressed out full-time bag maker with monthly sales figures regularly entering 7 digits. I […]
Have You Heard Of Our Simple Site Builder?
Getting a website can be a hassle as you need to get someone to help you build your site even after purchasing hosting and domain. Getting a good web designer can be difficult and the cost that comes with that is rarely ever cheap. We are pleased to present to you, our latest product for […]
Create A Stunning Website For Your Business
Have you been thinking of getting a website for your business yet web designers keep discouraging you with their exorbitant charges? Wish you could build a mobile-friendly website yourself? Need support if you get stuck while building? No worries. You can build your website with ease. Our simple site builder is the answer to all […]