Slack probably felt threatened when plans to unleash Microsoft Teams to the world was under way. It proved this when it decided that the best way to lash out was by buying a full New York Times page ad and writing an open letter to Microsoft. In my opinion, slack showed it’s distress by trying to tell Microsoft that they are better. The letter started with a warm embrace laced with sarcasm.
“Dear Microsoft,
Wow. Big news! Congratulations on today’s announcements. We’re genuinely excited to have some competition.
We realized a few years ago that the value of switching to Slack was so obvious and the advantages so overwhelming that every business would be using Slack, or “something just like it,” within the decade. It’s validating to see you’ve come around to the same way of thinking. And even though — being honest here — it’s a little scary, we know it will bring a better future forward faster.”
Slack has over 4 million daily active users of which include top enterprises as its customers thus I can’t help but wonder why it had to make a big deal out of it. Like I say, ”if you are better, prove it, don’t sweat it.”

From a certain angle, I get Slacks’ fear; Microsoft Teams is Microsoft’s new product targeted at enterprises which makes it a direct competitor to Slack.
According to Slack, Microsoft cannot create a revolution by simply copying their features but requires something much deeper. Slack says, that the ‘tiny details’ are what make the big difference and they have spent a lot of time figuring out what customers really want.
Slack also takes a direct jab at how Microsoft isn’t exactly so open;
“We know that playing nice with others isn’t exactly your MO, but if you can’t offer people an open platform that brings everything together into one place and makes their lives dramatically simpler, it’s just not going to work.”
Finally Slack enforces one last point; “One final point: Slack is here to stay.” Slack’s letter ends saying Microsoft will be a worthy competitor and they will be ready as well.