NULASS visits Whogohost

The National Union of Lagos State Students (NULASS), on Thursday, 3rd of Feb 2022, visited the Whogohost Lagos office to commend the company and shower praises our CEO, Toba Obaniyi on the great work we are doing in Nigeria. They also visited to create awareness about their forthcoming event in June. Their visit was to […]

The Ultimate Guide to Landing Your Site on the Front Page of Google

If you can get your website on the first page of Google, you can expect a lot of good quality traffic coming your way. Higher levels of traffic usually means more business, making it well worth spending some time on search engine optimization (SEO), which is how you prepare your website to be easily noticed […]

dotNG Domain Names Are Now More Valuable

dotNG domain names

Want to purchase dotNG domain names? We have great news for you. To provide you with more value, we have reviewed the prices of all our dotNG domain extensions. The dotNG domain is Nigeria’s Country-Code Top Level Domain(ccTLD). You can say that dotUK is to Great Britain as dotnG is to Nigeria. The beautiful thing about […]

7 Ways Machine Learning and Data Science Impact SME’s

The use of advanced technologies has created a revolutionary impact on the industries and businesses and people’s lives as well. The use of such advanced technologies has solved many complexities in the business and has helped the business people by automating various business functions. The primary focus of using the latest cutting-edge technologies is to […]

How Femtech eCommerce Platforms are Inspiring Females Into Entrepreneurship in Africa

Digital marketing has quickly established itself as a reliable way for entrepreneurs across the globe to boost sales and ensure business growth. But digital marketing is dependent on technology, and because Africa still lacks tech-enabled solutions targeted at women specifically, the market is at a disadvantage.  The $20 billion African ecommerce market is finally experiencing […]

10 Employee Engagement Trends in 2020

employee trends

In the workplace, leaders need to come up with a serious plan for their employees to engage more. There are several reasons why employees have been losing connectivity with the work environment lately. First, Artificial Intelligence Technology is taking the roles of employees within the organization by automating processes. These technologies are becoming dominant and […]

Alert: Scammers Using Whogohost Clone Account To Defraud People

There is a group of scammers using Whogohost clone account to defraud people. As individuals, you need to be careful of your online activities. You have to take precautions when submitting your bank details or making any payment online. In recent times, fraudsters devise new ways to scam victims online. Phishing emails, online account hacking, […]

3 Tips for business stability during and after COVID-19 Pandemic

As at 20th of April 2020, Kenya has 270 cases of coronavirus and Nigeria has 627, South Africa has 3158, and other countries like USA has 23704 cases. The Lockdown continues, and as much as you want to think about the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory, your immediate need is to keep your source of income […]

Affected By The Let’s Encrypt Latest Update – Here is How To Fix It

A free certificate authority “Let’s Encrypt” has revoked millions of Transport Layer Security certificates because of a Certificate Authority Authorization bug. According to their website, over 3 million TLS certificates will have no identity protection due to a Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) bug. The TLS certs revoke was slated for March 4 2020. Let’s Encrypt […]

Lizzymic schools Visit Whogohost on an Excursion


On 10th April 2019, students of Lizzymic schools visit Whogohost on an excursion. The excursion was an initiative of Creation Base Ventures under the “One Child, One School Project” aimed to encourage reading in school children. Whogohost was delighted to have the kids because we have always been an advocate of supporting the growth of […]